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Our Fulfillment Centres

Our services are now closer to you. Find out where the fulfillment centre closest to you is located.

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Our Locations

Nairobi CBD Fulfillment Centre
IPS Building, 2nd Floor – 0701 848484

Ngong Fulfillment Centre
The Praise Building, 3rd Floor – 0113 142573

Limuru Fulfillment Centre
Ushirika House 1st Floor – 0114 412331

Wangige Fulfillment Centre
Walokana Building, 2nd Floor – 0110 088796

Gatundu Fulfillment Centre
Coop Building 2nd Floor – 0113 118798

Kiambu Fulfillment Centre
Bishop Ranji House, 7th Floor – 0115 937803

Thika Fulfillment Centre
Thika Arcade, 1st Floor – 0113 881474

Ruiru Fulfillment Centre
Gitwamba Plaza, 1st Floor – 0745 462411

Kinoo Fulfillment Centre
Muini Plaza, 1st Floor – 0794 636357

Machakos Fulfillment Centre
Kiambaa Mall, 3rd Floor 

Kerugoya Fulfillment Centre
Machere Building, 1st Floor  – 0113 729513